06 março 2006


Na altura dos Oscares, queria lembra também os Razzies. Os prémios para os piores do ano.

Breve história:
Starting with an Oscar Night ceremony so small it was actually staged in a living room alcove, The Golden Raspberry (RAZZIE®) Awards have since grown into what E! On-Line recently called "the foremost authority on all things that suck on the big screen."
Founded by Lifelong Cine-Maniac and Cynic John Wilson, author of both 1995's EVERYTHING I KNOW I LEARNED AT THE MOVIES and the 2005 Warner Books release THE OFFICIAL RAZZIE® MOVIE GUIDE (Listing 100 of The Berry Funniest Bad Movies Ever Made), the RAZZIES® are a light-hearted parody of award shows in general (and The Oscars in particular).The RAZZIES® today receive television, radio and newspaper coverage around the world.

1 comentário:

Alien David Sousa disse...

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